PETG Sheets

PETG Sheets

Made from Eastman Chemical, SpectarTM UltraliteTM Copolyester PETG (Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol) sheets are supreme and sophisticated PETg sheets with multiple benefits. It comprises of various elements like flexibility, rigidity, and formability. Thanks to its toughness and flexibility, the sheet provides for ease of fabrication, forming and printing.

Measuring up to 6mm in thickness, it extrudes in low temperature with resistance to crystallization. SpectarTM UltraliteTM Copolyester PETG sheets allow great freedom in design. They can be formed in various ways including welding, laser cut, bent hot or cold, radial-arm saws with blades, and more. Using a common heat gun, it is easy to remove scuff marks or tiny scratches on these sheets. Our SpectarTM UltraliteTM Copolyester PETG sheets are used widely in signage industry where they thermoform logos of brands like Indian Oil, Jio BP, etc.


2mm to 8mm


Clear & White

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